Halpert Family History

Take a look at my recently updated family tree page, which includes an extensive genealogical record for both my wife's (Audrey Mendoza Halpert) and my own ancestors as well as some some interesting historical photographs.

The bulk of this research was conducted using records available from http://www.ancestry.com.  I used a very nice product called Familia Online, available at http://www.dralex.com, to publish the family tree pages.

David (1865-1947) and Goldie (1866-1948) Helfand, one on my maternal Great Grand-Parents.  I found census records for the Helfand family for 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 which provided a lot of interesting information.

Benjamin (1875-?) and Ida (1877-?) Zorn and their children circa 1913, my other maternal Great Grand-Parents
Standing left to right: Sam, Jules (my grandfather), Meyer, and Evelyn
Seated left to right: Ida, Sadie, Lillian and Benjamin.

This is my maternal grandparents, Jules and Sadie Zorn, on their wedding day in October 1926.


David and Goldie Helfand's children and their children circa 1954:

Ida Helfand ( 1890-1980) and her husband Isadore Selmens.
Louis Helfand (1894-1979), his wife Jeanne (1897-1991), and their sons Daniel with wife Sylvia and Earl.
Nathan Helfand (1896-1981), his wife Esther (1900-1996), and their son Arthur.
George Helfand (1898-1981) and his wife Freda (1908-2004).  Their daughter Karol is not in the picture as it's her wedding day!
Martha Helfand (1902-1972) with her husband Sam Eckert (1902-1959)
Sadie Helfand (1903-1988), her husband Jules Zorn (1899-1986), and their daughter June with husband Sidney Halpert (my parents).
Rose Helfand (1907-2000), her husband Ed Perkin (1904-1975), and their daughters Marion and Gail.

Minnie Lewis (1904-1968) was an adopted daughter (actually a blood cousin), with her husband Saul Krause (1892-1973).

Copyright © 2001, Dave Halpert                            
Last revised - 08/11/2005